An algorithm is a set of rules, steps or instructions to accomplish a task. Have a look at the videos below for more information. Start introducing the term algorithm early e.g. "We're going to write a set of instructions or algorithm..." or "Can you work out what the rule or algorithm might be for this pattern?".
Computers use algorithms but you don't necessarily need a computer to write or carry out an algorithm. Many digital technologies can make performing an algorithm faster and easier. Algorithms are used to write computer programs, they tell the computer what to do. |
Algorithm Examples
Library Book Sorting Algorithms Knitting Patterns - an Algorithm Key Word Search Google Search algorithms Netflix algorithms Facebook algorithms Google Arts & Culture App - Degrees of Separation and Selfie are examples of algorithms in action. NZ Maths - Position & orientation activities - opportunities for using algorithms. Searching Algorithms |
![]() Pseudo Code
When students start writing algorithms and programs they will often use pseudo code where instructions are written for a human to understand. These can be useful when designing programs to work out the required steps before conversion into a programming language. Examples of pseudo code: Resources:
Algorithms infographic - based on the Australian curriculum but still useful. Pixar in A Box - a collaboration between Pixar and the Khan Academy - teaches maths, science (including use of algorithms) and coding for Film Animation. Activities for all ages but most around age 8 to adult. BBC - Algorithms activities for juniors CS Field Guide - Algorithms BarefootCAS has tutorials based on the English CS curriculum. Register to view the sample resources such as this one on Algorithms. How to Explain Algorithms to Kids BBC Bitesize: What is an Algorithm? Step by Step from the Connected Series 3 Algorithm Lessons |