Progress Outcomes
The Progress Outcomes for the two digital technologies areas represent a departure from the Achievement Objectives of the other curriculum areas.
Progress outcomes are the significant learning steps that students take. Watch this video starting at 12:00 for more info on the progress outcomes. They can be found on the NZ Curriculum site. The progress outcomes are the significant learning steps in each of the two areas. They have been tentatively aligned with the NZ Curriculum levels. All progress outcomes begin with "In authentic contexts..." so it is expected they are taught in context not as isolated skills. The exemplars provide examples of how this could look. More ideas can be found on the Authentic Contexts page. Progress Outcome One and part of Progress Outcome Two for Computational Thinking are designed to be taught in non-computerised environments. Check out the Coding Without a Computer page for ideas on how to do this. This resource explains more about the progress outcomes and what they could look like. Exemplars have been developed for Progress Outcomes for years 1 - 10. For years 11 - 13 snapshots of learning have been developed. PDF of the Technology Curriculum |