Ethics and Computers
This topic lends itself to an inquiry approach. There are numerous issues around this area which could be explored by students. One approach is to start from a "Just because we can ______, does that mean we should?"*
The development of artificial intelligence (A.I.) has been a hotly debated topic. Resources on A.I. can be found here. Robotics provides a cross-over with other areas of the curriculum especially programming and algorithms. Check out more robotics resources here. Below there are ideas for discussing topics related to the ethics of computing and robotics such as the 3 laws of robotics. The Assistive technologies page looks at how computers are helping people including those with illness or disabilities. Digital Citizenship is an important element of the interaction of humans and computers. More information and resources can be found here. Computers & Robots Replacing PeopleAI in the classroom
Computer & A.I. taking over jobs - is a universal income the answer? Can a computer pass the Turing Test? Chinese factory replaces 90% of humans with robots OECD Report: Future of Work Robots Will Not take Your Job |
Credits: * Sharon Friesen - Galileo.Org