Digital Apps & Devices
What's the best digital application for the job? Should you this tool or that one? Do we even need a digital tool for this job? All really important questions with no right or wrong answer.
Students need knowledge of a range of applications so they can choose the best one for the task at hand. They also need to know what things to look for and how to apply critical thinking skills when making choices. Students also need to understand how applications can be combined or used alongside each other to achieve the best results. |
Choosing the Right DeviceChrome-smash - app smashing on a Chromebook or in a Chrome browser.
App-smashing challenge App-smashing vs App-flows App - dice - these are one way to get students to start thinking creatively about app-smashing. Don't get too strict with the rules, the aim is to create a product that is fit for purpose using apps combinations that haven't been tried before then looking a which would be the most effective combinations to use.